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Table 6 Approval standards of asbestos-related diseases in Germany [34]

From: Review of carcinogenicity of asbestos and proposal of approval standards of an occupational cancer caused by asbestos in Korea


Medical diagnosis standards

Asbestos dust exposure standards

Latent duration


Lung fibrosis validated with X-ray (ILO standards) or CT/HRCT

Several years

At least 10 years

Malignant mesothelioma

Proven diagnosis (histopathology and radiography, CT is preferred)

Even low level exposure is recognized

At least 10 years, in general

Lung cancer

Asbestosis-related lung cancer (even histologically mild asbestosis is sufficient)

Exposed to 25 fibers/ml-year

At least 10 years

Major changes in the pleura due to asbestos

Pleural plaque

Diagnosis with radiography, CT or histopathology

Even low level exposure is recognized
