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Table 2 Literature review for potential exposure while painting process in Korea 1989-2010

From: Overview of occupational cancer in painters in Korea

Author Journal Published year

Industry (or occupation)

Exposure and/or biologic exposure indices (BEI)

Exposure dose GM (GSD or range)


Kim et al. [24] 1989

Chemical manufacture (23 places)

Rubber manufacture(5)

Basic metal manufacture(40)



Assembly metal product manufacture(112)

Other manufacture(5)

Toluene, xylene

Toluene, MEK



Toluene, MEK

25, 35 unit: ppm

75, 125



24.5 (7.5-100), 66 (25-175)

Values without range included

Kim et al. [25] 1991

Machinery maintenance

Painting (spray)

Toluene, urinary hippuric acid (HA)

20.73 (13.97) ppm, 0.52 (0.23) g/L

Toluene dose in air and Urinary HA

Kim et al. [26] 1991

Vehicle maintenance (4 paintings)

Metal painting (7)

Wood furniture painting (26)

Instrument painting (7)


-organic solvent detection rate from thinner:

Toluene (76.4%)

- TLV excess

By paintings: Instrument painting (71.4%)

By components: PAHs (29.5%)

No comment for benzene

Available information of paint property, type of organic solvents detected from thinner, and their exposure level.

Jeong et al. [27] 1991

Surveillance program from 1st Jan1990 ~ 31th Dec 1990

404 workers from 5 Painting shops included

male more than 10 years

: 62.7%,

female 1-3 years 60.0%








48.3 (10-85)

151.6 (124-178)

13.7 (8-21)

100 (100)

20.5 (12-21)

60.0 (20-80)


Lee et al. [28] 1992

Chemical fiber factory

Organic solvent, Urinary HA

2.953 (1.497), p < 0.01 unit: g/L

Relation between urinary MA and mental health

Kang et al. [29] 1993

-Low exposure: paint plant, instrument plant, leather plant

-Medium exposure: running shoes plant, shoes plant

-High exposure: shoes plant boat plant


Toluene level in air

< 10 ppm

10-50 ppm

> 50 ppm


Kim et al. [30] 1993

Furniture painting,

Metal painting



urinary NAG

urinary MA


furniture painting(n = 33); metal painting(n = 18)

Toluene: 30.1 (39.4), 18.3; 35.1 (21.0), 30.1

0.44 (0.55), 0.27; 0.46 (0.24). 0.41

Urinary NAG: 57.5 (31.11); 19.9 (19.7)

Urinary MA: 567.1 (721.9); 462.4 (342.7)

unit nmolMU/h of incubation/mg creatinine

no GM values of urinary NAG, urinary MA

Roh et al. [31] 1993

Vehicle manufacture (A), Auto mechanic (B)

m + p xylene,

o- xylene

Urinary MA, urinary m + p xylene

Urinary o-xylene

A (n = 151); B (n = 40)

Unit (g/L)

0.36 (0.33); 0.29 (0.21)

0.09 (0.12); 0.03 (0.03)

0.21 (0.16); 0.06 (0.08)

Relation between organic solvent component and health effect

Lee et al. [32] 1995

Painting procedure of fishing rod manufacture






3 places of painting a,b,c,

2.29 0.94 4.74

1.54 0.62 3.20

1.72 0.61 2.66

0.22 0.58 1.22

Surveillance by quantitative analysis of organic solvent

Choi et al. [4] 1997

Paint spray industry

Metal manufacture

Steel production for container manufacture usage

Total chrome

Hexavalent chrome


Exposure time AM: 0.264, PM: 0.318

Automatic spray: 0.001-0.060, Manual spray: 0.029-0.226 mg/m3

Information of perforation of nasal septum

Hong et al. [33] 1997

Shipbuilding painting

- spray (1-3)

- brush (4-6)

Volatile coal tar pitch


Worker 1. Worker 2. Worker 3.

0.15 0.12 0.14 (unit mg/m3)

Worker 4. Worker 5. Worker 6.

0.21 0.11 0.10 (unit mg/m3)

The relation between Coal tar included paint and phototoxic contact dermatitis

Paik et al. [34] 1998

Size of enterprise (large(L) medium (M), small (S))

(L) Elevator painting (17)

(M) Vehicle painting(56)

(S) Elevator painting (3)

244 samples

170 personal samples (PS)

74 areal samples (AS)

(L)Toluene, Xylene

PS (n = 8)

AS (n = 9)

(M) n-hexane, toluene

PS (n = 29)

AS (n = 27)

(S) Toluene, Xylene

PS (n = 3)

Exposure index

0.006 (1.25)

0.005 (1.50)

0.01 (4.00)

0.002 (2.00)

0.35 (1.20)


Shin et al. [5] 1999

Total 5 shipbuilding plant


Major organic solvent of paint, thinner, and binder

➔ xylene (60% of thinner, average: 67.1%) others: toluene, isopropanol, 2-metoxypropanol etc.,

xylene: included in every types of paints

toluene: amino included paint 10-20%, epoxy included paint 13.6%, vinyl included paint 14.3%

coal tar pitch: 40 types of paints included (13%)

lead chromate, zinc potassium chromate included paint: 8%

vehicle: epoxy resin(19.9%, mostly) > alkyd resin(16%) > acryl resin(14.2%)

Hazardous components of shipbuilding paint

Presentation of silica exposure

silica (silicon doxide) included in extender of 27 out of 309 paints (8.8%)

Won et al. [35] 1999

Metal manufacture 862 place, auto or ship mechanic 485

Electro device manufacture 454, chemical material manufacture 293

small company less than 50 workers

Organic solvent 54 types

= > type 1 organic solvent 5 types, type 2 organic solvent 31, type 3 organic solvent 2+, non -legal measurement duty material 15, benzene

Highest detection rate: toluene (84.8%) > xylene (46.4%) > methyl ethyl ketone (31.1%) > n-hexane 22.7%) > benzene (20.4%)

Organic solvent areal air sample

Total work hour in the organic solvent handling workplace: average 505 (8.4) (480-720 min)

Average time due to organic solvent usage 437 (28.7) (100-720 min)

practical estimate time of organic solvent: average 254 (288.8) (40-382 min)


Won et al. [36] 2000

Organic solvent

3280 work places

4181 work process


Highest frequency of all work processes

spray: ketone: 0.85 times, ester 0.66

brush: Ketone 0.72, Aliphatic hydrocarbon 0.33

mixed: ketone 0.9, Alcohol 0.53

Detection number per single sample according to work process

PAHs 1.14~ 2.39 times detected of all processes:

Joo et al. [37] 2000

Shipbuilding painting 674 workers


ethyl benzene, ethyl toluene


17 ppm

4 ppm

3 ppm


Koh et al. [38] 2001

Shipbuilding painting 28 workers

By process

-spray:10 workers

-brush: 18 workers

By sealing property

-inside of the block

-outside of the block




12.81 (3.03) unit ppm

11.82 (2.94)

- No. spray No. brush

6 41.68 (2.03) 27 15.49 (2.29)

3 5.16 (3.06) 9 2.77 (2.14)

21 10.38 (2.64) 18 16.78 (2.69)

Sample measurement 3 times relatively

Kwon et al. [39] 2001

Auto mechanic workplace (1)

- surfacer

solvent based paint (n = 8)

toluene, butyl acetate, m-xylene

water based paint (n = 7)

2-butoxyl ethanol

- top coating, color base,solvent based paint(n = 8)

Butyl acetate, m-xylene, toluene

- water based painting (n = 8)

2-butoxy ethanol

Unit ppm

27.76 (15.79-35.36), 21.82 (11.71-28.83), 10.9696 (5.96-14.34)

6.91 (5.73-7.92)

24.54 (11.56-32.59), 17.86 (8.50-23.73),14.88 (7.48-19.12)

4.72 (1.10-11.57)

*different components between solvent- and water-based paints: more diverse organic solvents included in solvent based paint

Kim et al. [40] 2001

Paint remove process

Methylene chloride


Personal sample(n = 14) 30.40 (3.39)

Areal sample(n = 2) 2.24 unit ppm

Methylene chloride exposure of paint removal worker

Moon et al. [41] 2001

11 manufacture factories 1267 workers

Painting process (442 workers, 34.2% of total workers)



N.N.-dimethyl furan

2.0 (3.0)

3.0 (1.5)

5.5 (4.4)

I-OHP level difference by process (u mol/mol creatinine)

Mixed solvents: used in 20 paint processes (average 12 types)

Jeon et al. [21] 2001

Coal tar pitch included paint

Manufacture factory(n = 4)

Shipbuilding plant(n = 4)

Steel pipe plant (n = 2)

PAHs in air


Before/after work

Shipbuilding: brush (n = 35) 12.66 (3.91)/29.06 (2.75)

Steel pipe: paint (n = 14) 28.88 (6.80)/78.90 (3.18)

Paint manufacture: mixing (n = 8) 1.83 (5.03)/1.96 (6.05)

PAHs level by industry (mg/m3):

Shipbuilding plant (n = 66) 0.092 (8.674)

Steel pipe plant (n = 20) 0.520 (2.741)

Paint manufacture (n = 25) 0.012 (3.685)


Park et al. [42] 2002

Instrument factory(n = 3), furniture factory(n = 1), other material factory(n = 1): all painting process



Cellosolve acetate

0.251 (4.4318)

0.2442 (9.2979)

0.3872 (2.5435)

Air level organic solvent

Cho et al. [43] 2002

Auto mechanics (n = 23/ 54 workers)

painting process

polishing / spraying

Average working year 11.4 yr.

polishing 3.8 h/day

spraying 2.1 h/day



Serum Lead

(unit mg/m3)

polishing 2.56 (0.73-10.13) 0.34 (0.44-0.91)

spraying 0.93 (0.27-2.09)

polishing 0.0021(N.D-0.0170) 0.0002 (N.D-0.0007)

spraying 0.0009 (N.D-0.0056)

3.5 (1.3-19.7) 1.4 (N.D-5.7)

*serum lead: workers performed polishing and spraying by daily work condition ➔ no distribution by process

Kim et al. [22] 2005

Coal tar included paint process (n = 10)

Exposure: 107 coal tar using workers

Controls:201 office workers

Coal tar paint used between 2001.05.29-2002.05.30

total PAHs

Urinary 1-OHP


Exposure (n = 201) Before;after work (umol/mol creatinine)

8.89 (5.23); 19.02 (5.23)

26.34 (1.89); 33.08 (2.14)


*smoking history+

Smoking and PAH co-exposure: effect of 1-OHP seems to change depending on the level of PAHs

Lee et al. [23] 2005

Auto mechanics

putty process(n = 20, 43 workers: 2005.05-2005.09)

working process of each workers depended on daily working condition (no regular process)

total 49 samples

putty included



n-buthyl acetate

methyl isobutyl ketone

methyl ethyl ketone(MEK)


urinary MA,

urinary MA, urinary mandelic acid

0.45 (0.50) 2.5

0.10 (0.30) 1.5

52.0 (46.3) 0.8

3.00 (2.45) 100

2.81 (2.26) 100

2.16 (1.59) 150

0.78 (0.42) 50

0.91 (0.29) 200

0.48 (0.50) 50


Lee et al. [44] 2005

Paint manufacture (n = 5) (coal tar included)

Steel pipe (n = 2) (painting of steel pipe after melting solid coal tar enamel)

44 workers

(PAHs) urinary I-OHP No.

< 10 years 20

≥ 10 years 24

paint manufacture 20

steel pipe 24

13.57 (9.413)

11.89 (6.823)

2.33 (4.409)

51.63 (3.144)

urinary I-OHP was 22 times high in workers of steel pipe painting than of paint manufacture. .

Kim et al. [45] 2006

301 lung cancer patients

(2003.11-2004.11, admission in 4 Busan hospitals)

*work related case

Exposure duration, exposure material

Leather painter: 21 years, furniture painter

: 10 years, chrome

1 case

1 case

Specific occupational lung cancer cases in Busan.

*2 cases: both probable.

*working environment mesasurement result was limited to access.

Min et al. [46] 2009

Shipbuilding painting process(spraying, brushing, paint equipment blasting, paint quality control)


Methyl MA


Methyl MA


Methyl MA


0.228 (0.194) 0.263 (0.247)

0.279 (0.417) 0.228 (0.289)


0.242 (0.250) 0.207 (0.182)

0.072 (0.144) 0.055 (0.114)

Paint quality control

0.165 (0.137)

0.145 (0.467)

unit g/g creatinine

Sim et al. [47] 2009

Auto mechanic painting process

dust(n = 27)

lead (n = 27)

toluene(n = 27)


0.38 (1.78)

0.002 (2.29)

1.08 (2.76)

unit: ppm

Cho et al. [48] 2009

shipbuilding painter

Toleuene (100)


methyl alcohol(200)

MIBK (200)


Work environment measurement history

In 1989, 1991, 1993, and 1994

70-80, 80-90, 18.15-19.399, and 0.41

100-110, 110, 34.737-56.411, and 68.85

70-80, −, −, and -

-, 40-50, 1.535, and trace

Parkinson disease case report

Workplace evaluation of the patient.

unit: ppm

Lim et al. [20] 2010

128 lung cancer workers

(1999-2005, epidemiologic survey of KOSHA)

* work related case: 53 cases

Painter included (3 cases, 5.7%)


Exposure duration /carcinogen/ lung cancer case

19.8 years (6.3-29.0)/ asbestos/ 33cases

18.7 (6.3-31.9)/ PAHs/ 23

21.4 9.0-40.0)/ chrome/ 17

20.5 (10.0-40.0)/ silica/ 14

(total number is more than 53 due to multiple causes of lung cancer)

*occupational lung cancer 53 case, non-occupational lung cancer 75 case: no significant difference among age, smoking history and cell type. (P > 0.05)

*descripted exposure material and occupation respectively and no information available of connections of the two categories