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Table 1 The patient’s occupational history

From: Work-related COPD after years of occupational exposure

Job or Worksite

Duration (years)


Possible Exposure

Exposure levels in the literature

Wheel manufacturing company

1965–1975 (10)

Transported the casting crane to the heating furnace and controlled the temperature of the furnace

Bunker-C oil (gas and/or fumes)

PAHs 11,056.61 ng/Sm3 [23]

Silica dust (quartz)

Personal sampling 4.4 μg/m3 Area sampling 14.9–27.3 μg/m3 [18]

Boiler installation

1976-2002 (25)

Installing boilers in homes

None specified


Construction field


Manual labor on a construction site

Silica dust (quartz)

0.10 mg/m3 [26]

Apartment complex janitor

2003-2013 (10)

Gardening and janitorial duties including the night shift

None specified