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Table 5 Approval standards of asbestos-related diseases in France [34]

From: Review of carcinogenicity of asbestos and proposal of approval standards of an occupational cancer caused by asbestos in Korea


Medical diagnosis standards

Asbestos dust exposure standards

Latent duration


Diagnosis of lung fibrosis with specific radiographic characteristics, irrespective of changes in pulmonary function test findings

2 years (List of directly related jobs)

Liability period: Up to 35 years after the end of exposure

Malignant mesothelioma

Histology; if it is insufficient, clinical course and radiological diagnosis

Routine exposure without a minimum period

Up to 40 years after the end of exposure

Lung cancer

Histology; if it is insufficient, clinical course and radiological diagnosis

10 year exposure + limited job group (work directly related to an asbestos-containing material(ACM), insulation using ACM, removal of an asbestos-containing insulation material, repair of a building in which asbestos is used, cutting and grinding of a material containing asbestos, shipbuilding and ship repair, manufacturing of an asbestos-containing friction material, maintenance performed with an asbestos-containing equipment)

Up to 40 years after the end of exposure

Pleural plaque

Calcification or pleural plaque in the pericardium or pleura, confirmed with CT

Routine exposure without a minimum period

Up to 40 years after the end of exposure